Friday, January 6, 2017

A Compromising Situation

Picture this.  A little 5 year old girl how loves her mom and wants to make her happy. While outside playing on a warm and sunny spring day, sees some beautiful roses and decides to go over and pick them to give to her mom, simply because she wanted to express her love for her mother.   I don't know a mother that wouldn't be pleased that her daughter picked her some flowers just because she loved her.  However, these roses are a beautiful expression from her daughter.......they were not from their own garden.  Although mom is pleased and thankful for these roses, her daughter needs to understand that she stole them from the neighbors garden.  Obviously the mom has no choice but to explain to her daughter that even though these roses are a beautiful expression of love and admiration, it's not the right way to express it.  If things go unexplained, their could be consequences both from the neighbors and the mother, and there will definitely be consequences in that the little girl will continue thinking it's a perfectly acceptable thing to do, when it's not.

There are 2 types of ignorance that result from this.  If the property rules and overall apropiateness of that situation is not addressed by anyone, neither the mother nor the neighbors, and the little girl continues picking roses, then that is true ignorance where she does not know nor understand the wrong she's doing.  On the other hand if the mother or the neighbors explain to her and make sure she understands the wrongful behavior, yet she STILL picks the roses, that is called WILLFUL ignorance and she is choosing to ignore the right only to continue in that wrong.

This is very similar to Christian worship in that the Bible clearly tells the believer how to express their love and devotion in worship to the Lord and also what the improper ways of worship are.  Unfortunately, all are sinners and fall short of our callings in the Christian life.  James 1:5 is one of my favorite verses that encourages a believer to seek wisdom from God and assures the believer that God grants discernment when sincerely sought after.  There are so many examples in Scripture of right worship, wrong worship, and all the different aspects of worship that God has revealed for believers to explore and practice in their personal worship and cooperate worship and it's the responsibility of all believers to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. 

Psalm 29:2 "Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."

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