For the last 7 or so years, I've been enjoying the music of Benjamin Everson. He is a Christian musician who creates a capella arrangements of various hymns and other God-honoring music. The first arrangement I heard was "Complete in Thee". Ever since, I've been hooked. His latest arrangement, "What Manner of Man is This" is a song that emphasizes the person and work of Christ. Here is the YouTube link.
This is a blog on the worship of the believer, according to God's Holy word. Worship is an issue that is under attack and needs to be examined. Of course I do not claim to have any kind of special insight into this issue and there are many books and other places on the internet that discuss this, but it is my hope and prayer that the Lord might use something from my study to point others to Him.
Please listen to the music player on the right hand column or search through the resources and links.