Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Holy Life

 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

The Bible tells us that the sacrifice that we present to the Lord needs to be our whole life, which also needs to be holy and acceptable.  Earlier in chapter 6, believers are told that each member of our body needs to be yielded as a sacrifice to our Lord and Savior. Hebrew 13:15 says “…let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.  Every facet of our life; behavior, speech, dress, attitudes, even our music needs to be yielded to the Lord when worshipping the Lord.  Music has such a powerful influence on people that it needs to be brought before the Lord so that the Lord is really our influence and motivation.  Romans chapter 6 was mentioned because we’re encouraged to present every member of our body to the Lord and our ears are the way in which music gets to our brain and in turn influences our thought patterns.  The way the high priests worshipped in the Old Testament was very particular and the Lord made it very particular.  In this age, the Lord commands us to worship him with our whole life, body and every part of our body. 
Another key to this verse is that the believer’s life needs to be a sacrifice for and to the Lord.  Most everybody that goes to church, no matter what denomination, worships on Sunday.  This is the day that has been set aside for worship.  People that go to church, whether saved or unsaved, most always go on Sunday.  There is no mandate for this in the Bible and in fact the only mandate in the Bible was directed to the Jews to worship on the Sabbath day, which is actually Saturday.  The point is that there is no specific day mandated in the Bible that is to be set aside for worship.  Romans 12:1 tells us that our life is to be set aside for the service of the Lord.  Believers should be yielding the time they have in this life to the Lord, according to God’s Word.  

To the melody of “God is so Good”

A Holy Life, A Holy Life, A Holy Life
Christ has given me.
He sets me free, He sets me free, He sets me free,
Unto Him all praise.
I will rejoice, I will rejoice, I will rejoice,
And be glad in Him.
Forever more, Forever more, Forever more
In Him to dwell.

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